Recente door Tata Steel Nederland gerealiseerde CO2e-besparingen zijn door een onafhankelijke instelling gecertificeerd en in onze CO2e-besparingsbank opgenomen. Carbon Lite haalt tegoeden uit deze bank in de vorm van certificaten, waarmee u uw specifieke doelstellingen voor CO2e-vermindering kunt bereiken.
Het doel van Zeremis Carbon Lite is om CO2e-besparende projecten te versnellen en we kijken naar alle mogelijkheden, bijvoorbeeld het gebruik van bio-kolen, inzet van groene HBI en waterstof in onze huidige productie proces. Maar we zullen ook de grenzen van het schrootgebruik nog verder verleggen.
Het is onze ambitie om de CO2e-uitstoot met 500 kiloton te verminderen voordat Tata Steel Nederland haar eerste Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) installatie in gebruik neemt. Hiermee kunnen we op jaarbasis minimaal 200 kiloton CO2e-neutraal equivalent staal leveren.
Carbon Lite is volledig geverifieerd en gecertificeerd door Det Norske Veritas (DNV), waarmee u meteen kunt beginnen met het halen van uw scope-3 reductiedoelen en uw concurrentie voor kunt blijven met een onderscheidend, duurzaam productaanbod.
Terwijl u met Carbon Lite minstens 30% van de CO2e-intensiteit ten opzichte van het Europese gemiddelde kunt verminderen, kunt u met onze flexibele oplossing ook uw eigen CO2e-voetprint bepalen om uw specifieke doelstellingen voor uitstootreductie te bereiken.
Onderstaand vindt u het DNV Assurances Statement van de eerste CO2e-besparingsprojecten. Meer CO2e-besparingsprojecten zullen volgen terwijl we samenwerken met onze klanten die CO2e-reductie waarderen.
Download the DNV Assurance Statements for the current CO2e saving projects.
More CO2e saving project will follow as we work with our customers who want to take climate action now.
EN-Corporate-Sustainability-Zeremis DNV Assurance Statement TSN 22001
DNV Assurance Statement: Installation of a new coke oven gas holder & replacement of the motor geat sets in the cold mill
EN-Corporate-Sustainability-Zeremis DNV Assurance Statement TSN 22002
DNV Assurance Statement: Improved gas recovery from the BOS plant
DNV Assurance Statement Replacement of the motor geat sets in the cold mill
DNV Assurance Statement: Replacement of the motor geat sets in the cold mill
DNV Assurance Statement: Implementation of a Regenerative Thermal Oxidation system at Maubeuge
DNV Assurance Statement: Implementation of a Regenerative Thermal Oxidation system at Maubeuge
Recent CO2 savings realised by Tata Steel Nederland are certified by an independent assurance expert and compiled in our central carbon bank.
Carbon Lite draws on credits from this bank in the form of declarations. These declarations allow you to meet your carbon reduction targets. The purpose of Zeremis Carbon Lite is to accelerate CO2e emission saving projects even faster and we are looking at every possibility, for example the use of bio-coal, green HBI and hydrogen in our current assets. But we will also push the boundaries of scrap usage even further.
It’s our ambition to reduce CO2e emissions by 500 kilotonnes before Tata Steel Nederland commissions its first Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) installation. This will enable us to supply a minimum of 200 kilotonnes of CO2e-neutral equivalent steel on an annual basis.
Carbon Lite is een flexibele oplossing die nu beschikbaar is voor alle producten van Tata Steel
Aangezien de onderliggende specificatie, de prestaties en het verwerkingsgedrag onveranderd blijven, is Carbon Lite een gemakkelijk te implementeren oplossing, die dezelfde productkwaliteit en bedrijfszekerheid garandeert.
Why should I buy Zeremis Carbon Lite?
Zeremis Carbon Lite is a scheme based on direct CO2e reduction projects delivering decarbonisation of your supply chain. The CO2e savings are real, have been made in our processes and are verified by DNV. Revenues from the sale of declarations are used to fund projects generating further CO2e savings to be verified by DNV, speeding up our decarbonisation. The CO2e savings can help you achieve your CO2e targets and flow through your own supply chains.
By buying Carbon Lite from Tata Steel Nederland you are contributing to a reduction in atmospheric CO2e.
De CO2e-besparingen binnen Tata Steel Nederland vormen samen de basis voor CO2e-reductiecertificaten
Onze Carbon Lite-kernoplossing helpt u uw CO2e-intensiteit met alvast 30% te verminderen ten opzichte van het EU-gemiddelde. Indien u een nog lagere intensiteit wenst, biedt Carbon Lite de flexibiliteit om zover te gaan als nodig is om de door u gewenste reductiedoelstellingen te bereiken.
Frequently asked questions
What exactly is the green steel offering from Tata Steel Nederland?
Our Carbon Lite solution is a declaration-based low carbon steel that offers a flexible reduction in CO2e intensity. Available immediately, it means we can accelerate CO2e reduction throughout the steel-based value chain.Our standard Carbon Lite solution offers a 30% reduction in CO2e intensity compared to the EU average. This is in line with the Scope 3 reduction targets set by many steel users by 2030.
Is the Carbon Lite declaration verified by a third party?
Yes, Carbon Lite declarations and the processes behind them are validated by Det Norsk Veritas (DNV).
Which of your products will come with Carbon Lite declarations?
All steel products will be offered with Carbon Lite declarations. Contact your account manager to discuss your needs.
Is there any difference in the performance and quality of Carbon Lite declarations compared to standard steel products?
No, the performance and quality of our products will remain the same. Customers can expect the same standards of quality and performance as they do now.
Will Carbon Lite declaration products need to be re-approved?
No, because the underlying steel specification, performance and processing behaviour remain unchanged, Carbon Lite is a straightforward solution that is easy to implement. It guarantees you the same product quality and service.
How can I use Carbon Lite declarations?
Declarations can be used to demonstrate a reduction in Scope 3 emissions and to support company reporting of Scope 3 emissions in sustainability reports.
Do Carbon Lite products have a higher steel recycling rate than standard steel products?
No, not at the moment. However, options to increase the steel recycling rate are being developed.
When can we source Carbon Lite declarations from Tata Steel Nederland?
If you are interested in purchasing Carbon Lite declarations, please speak to your account manager or alternatively contact
What is the price of Carbon Lite declarations?
Please contact your account team to discuss.
How can we pass on Carbon Lite savings to our own customers?
For further guidance click here.