The health and safety of all the people who work in and with Tata Steel Europe is our number one priority

We have identified five key commitments that will guide us all to do what is right:

  • I protect myself and others, because I care
  • I follow current Standards and procedures as agreed as I realise this is the best way to work safely
  • I assess risks whenever there is a change to the workplace
  • I always lead by example
  • I challenge (an accept to be challenged) or stop the job

Tata Steel’s ambition is to reclaim the benchmark for Health and Safety, by working together to achieve zero harm.

Tata Steel employee providing information to a customer on a site visit
Health & Safety Management System
Health & Safety Management System
Our commitment to health and safety is embedded in our policies

An integrated health and safety management system will ensure a consistent approach to health and safety throughout the organisation and enable us to execute health and safety practice by building on existing management systems.

The Health and Safety Management System Framework is a set of 15 principles of good health and safety management.  For each of the principles a number of requirements have been formulated to structure a systematic approach to managing health and safety and preventing incidents.

The Health and Safety Management System follows the Plan, Do, Check, Act management model, which is a process of continuous improvement.

We are in the process of transitioning to ISO 45001, with some of our sites already achieving certification.

Health & Safety planning
Health Promotion
Health Promotion
We are totally committed to safeguarding and promoting physical, mental and social well-being of our employees

Besides the provision of adequate personal protective equipment, our focus also involves eliminating, reducing or isolating hazards wherever possible. The range of identified potential health hazards includes noise, vibration, hazardous substances, manual handling, driving and climatic conditions.
