Quality checking packaging coils
Reliable quality for efficient processing and product performance

Our cold-rolled and annealed blackplate provides an excellent substrate for Tata Steel’s tinplate and tin-free (ECCS) packaging steels. We can also supply it direct to other customers for further processing – for drum production and applications including engineering and packaging.

Choice of blackplate to suit your needs

We manipulate the carbon and manganese levels in our blackplate steels to define final strengths for single reduced products. We also supply blackplate with metallurgies customized to material application. These include interstitial-free (IF) steel to provide very good drawing properties for bakeware, and nitrogenized steel.

In addition to a choice of grades, we offer:

• a range of surface finishes – to suit your roughness requirements
• a choice of width – to suit your processes and support efficient production

Reliable quality for efficient processing and product performance

We have decades of experience in the manufacture of blackplate. Produced from Tata Steel’s hot-rolled coil, our blackplate is manufactured with care and precision. Rigorous control of rolling and annealing processes means you can rely on the quality of our blackplate.

Our blackplate delivers:

• excellent shape (low crown) and consistent dimensional tolerances – for efficient, repeatable processing
• reliable mechanical properties – meeting your requirements for strength, ductility and end-product performance

Responsive service to suit your production demands

The scale and flexibility of our manufacturing operations, coupled with our robust supply chain infrastructure, mean we can deliver in volume to meet your production demands.

Our blackplate is available in coil form. It is oiled for protection from damage and corrosion in transit.

Our approachable experts are happy to advise you on the best blackplate products to meet your needs. Please contact us to discuss your requirements.